1. Come 2. Name Above All Names 3. Rock of Ages 4. No More Night 5. We Need Your Rain 6. How Great Thou Art 7. When Jesus Comes 8. There is a Fountain 9. Watch the Lamb 10. The Lord's Prayer
Presentation is on the topic of the Second Coming of Christ.
Recorded on location in Kansas City, Kansas
Click here for the whole Audio CD set of A New Day is Dawning.
Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome—all great civilizations whose power and influence have been reduced to rubble over the centuries. But the Bible speaks of a kingdom that won’t fade with time. Join...
It is often said that you are what you eat; but if you survey the population you find that a majority of people are sick. Could it be that they are sick because they are what they eat? Jesus came...
It is history’s most anticipated event... and you don’t want to miss it!
12-page fill in the blank booklet with answers included in each lesson. Click here for the full set.